- I'm the kind of person who has to carry a Band-Aid in my backpack at all times. I used to carry Neosporin, too. If placed in the right habitat, I'm almost comically prone to cuts and scrapes and bruises.
- I kind of love bad weather. I hate getting cold or wet like anyone else, but there's something I enjoy about a semi-catastrophic weather forecast. Snow? Tornadoes? Big windy electrical storms? Exciting! I think it comes from all those tornado drills and warnings in elementary school. We'd all get to hang around in the basement where the kilns and art projects were kept. We were safe-ish and bored and we got to goof off for an hour or two. When bad weather is imminent, the world seems to sing with gleeful possibility: I always know that true disaster is unlikely but that I'm pretty much guaranteed an hour or so of a break from my regular day.
- When I was little, I used to run everywhere. I think it's a sign that, deep down, I'm pretty much excited about everything.
- I really, really, really dislike fake laughter, especially the kind that ineffectually masks anger or displeasure or nervousness.
- When I was younger, I never thought I would like getting socks for Christmas; having a sparklingly clean kitchen; NPR; or drinking boring old caffeine-free, sugarless herbal tea. Sometimes I wonder what else I'll come to enjoy as I get older. Watching the six o' clock news? Cooked spinach? Sweaters with ribbons and spangles on them? The sky's the limit!
- I've never particularly wanted my life to be like a TV show or a movie (though I really wouldn't pass up meeting a time traveling adventurer in a snazzy suit, if given the opportunity), but I wouldn't mind life being a little bit more like a novel: it would show more unity, have clearer themes, and have most of the duller parts lopped out.
Dip Me in Honey and Bury Me Someplace Nice
2 years ago
SIX!!! JUST SIX????? Seriously? There are SIX-THOUSAND wonderful reasons to know you.....and, I, being your Mother......can tell just about anyone ALL SIX-THOUSAND reasons why you are the wonderful YOU that you are! xoxox
Awww, thanks Mum. :)
Re #5: Another thing I'm interested in now that I'm older: my credit report. HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT I AM THIS OLD?!?!
Ahem. You get the idea.
How about that blanket you couldn't live without until you were what.........19??? :o)
Your mum's ALMOST right! There are 10,000,000 WONDERFUL things to know about you BUT just to KNOW you is the best!!! Love you!!!
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